OnRobot RG2-FT – Smart Gripper


  • Accurate sensing improves production quality by reducing defect rate as much as 60% in delicate pick-and-place processes
  • Easy-to-program sensing allows robot to act like an operator’s third arm, with human-like part hand-offs.
  • Ability to automate insertion tasks that weren’t previously possible can reduce operation costs by 40%.

The RG2-FT is a state-of-the-art gripper with added sensing and intelligence, capable of controlling the robot (on UR) and itself to achieve what the operator would like it to do, even when the exact parameters cannot be programmed in advance. This enables true collaboration with human operators, supporting them like a co-worker would.


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Sophisticated technology with inbuilt F/T and proximity sensor

Detects workpiece using proximity sensor
Detects risk of slipping before it happens
Precise and simple depth compensation (UR only)
Integrated software
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